Week 8 of Big Brother Canada season 12 has been quite interesting, to say the least. With only seven houseguests remaining, the pressure to make sure you get a strong partnership has seriously intensified. However, like every week, loyalties were tested, leading to a ton of unexpected twists and turns, but sadly no showmances.

Tola Takes the Wheel: A First-Time HOH Reign

Week 8 started off strong with a huge power shift in the house. After a string of competitions in which some of the stronger players strategically threw some challenges, Tola came out on top, becoming the Head of Household for the first time in the season. But more important than the win itself was the fact that Tola managed to disrupt the established power dynamics in the house.

Nominations: Targeting Hot Chocolate

With the HOH title in hand, Tola immediately set his sights on getting rid of the once powerful “Hot Chocolate” alliance. The alliance was really scared the house for a little bit there, but now it seems to be on its last legs seeing as Tola nominated Bayleigh and Avery.

The nominations not only exposed the cracks in the direct alliance but also showcased just how weak some players really are in the house. Victoria, for example, a member of Hot Chocolate, felt threatened by Avery and secretly whispered into Tola’s ear to target her instead of Bayleigh. 

Meanwhile, Anthony and Lexus, still harbouring a ton of resentment over the eviction of their ally Matt by Avery, didn’t bat an eye and still looked determined to get her out of the house.

The Power of Veto

The Power of Veto competition this week really offered a glimmer of hope for both Bayleigh and Avery, but they both fell short, keeping themselves on the chopping block. Furthermore, with Anthony and Victoria ineligible to compete, the odds were slightly tilted in their favour, but they still took a fat L. 

However, in a surprising turn of events, Todd, a player fans have often seen as a floater, managed to take home the Veto victory.

The Veto Ceremony: A Controversial Decision

Despite pressure from Bayleigh, Todd ultimately opted not to use the Veto, instead remaining loyal to both Bayleigh and Victoria to avoid potentially upsetting Tola.

While some BB12 fans understood Todd’s initial hesitancy to rock the boat, we can’t lie and say that his choice wasnt a missed opportunity to make a bold move and potentially gain favour with other players.

Avery’s Optimism vs. Reality

From the outside looking in, anyone could see that Avery was setting herself up for complete failure, but she, for one reason or another, didn’t see it that way. Her disconnect from reality was almost funny at points, as it seemed like she was in her own reality. 

However, Victoria, perhaps sensing the inevitable, did try to encourage Avery to fight for her survival, but it really seemed too little too late. By the time she really tried to save herself, most people’s minds were already made up.

Strategic Alignments

While fans like us really only have access to a small portion of the conversations within the Big Brother Canada house – it’s clear that alliances were solidifying outside of Avery’s view. 

First of all, Bayleigh focused on strengthening her ties with Anthony and Lexus to hopefully create a new power dynamic in the house. Similarly, Todd cozied up to Tola,  likely looking to secure his position in the house.

Anthony and Lexus, on the other hand, seemed to recognize Victoria’s attempts to manipulate them and target Todd, despite this, both stuck to their guns, determined to evict Avery.

Avery’s Fighting Spirit

Unlike some previously evicted houseguests who accepted their fate with resignation, Avery had a real fighting spirit once she got her head out of the clouds. She rallied for herself harder than almost anybody else, and at the very least, she tried.

The Double Eviction

With Avery’s eviction seemingly set in stone, the houseguests have now started to turn their attention to the upcoming double eviction, as they need not one but two houseguests on the block. 

This Big Brother Canada staple sends two players packing in a single night, doubling the heartbreak and drama.

Avery’s Eviction

All signs point to Avery being the first houseguest evicted during the double eviction. Her future in the house appears bleak, with no support and no Veto save.


While nothing is ever set in stone, it really looks like Avery is going to be saying bye-bye to the house, so the real question is… who is going with her?

Will the men continue to dominate for another week, or will somebody like Todd get thrown under the bus? Nobody really knows, but that’s what makes Big Brother Canada such an interesting show.

Recap the Missed