Roulette is one of the most popular casino games of all time. It’s a timeless game based completely on chance and fortune. It doesn’t favour any particular player, and you certainly don’t need any set of skills or deep prior knowledge of the game to win.

That said, as it’s based on chance, it’s possible to lose track of your money while playing roulette. Many players exercise careful roulette bankroll management to ensure that they have enough money to keep going.

Even if you’ve had roulette successes in the past, don’t ever underestimate the importance of careful bankroll management. In this guide, we take you through what roulette bankroll management is all about, and look at how you can exercise better habits and control moving forward.

Understanding bankroll management

Simply put, roulette bankroll management is about keeping focus and carefully monitoring your financial status during play. It’s about setting a solid limit and sticking to it.

The goal of roulette bankroll management is to keep the game rolling for as long as possible within your financial means – otherwise, you’re at risk of continuing to lose track of money, especially if you make the mistake of chasing losses (or wins, for that matter).

With an efficient bankroll management approach, you can keep playing and rest easy knowing that you’re not breaking the bank. You’ll make wiser, more informed decisions when betting.

What’s more, some players claim that bankroll management helps them to maximise profit when playing roulette. It’s never a good idea to play casino games for profit – you should always bet responsibly – but bankroll monitoring is one of the most responsible ways you can make the most out of table and card games.

The bottom line with roulette bankroll management is this: don’t spend money you that you actually need. You should keep a separate gaming bankroll away from your everyday expenses. For example, you could set up a separate bank account or e-wallet purely for gambling activities.

Below, we look at a few key ways that you can start to manage your roulette bankroll from scratch.

Why is it important?

Losing money is part of betting. It happens, and there is nothing to be ashamed or concerned about – however, you must plan ahead for these losses.

It’s easy to get caught up in roulette. It’s a fast-paced game, which means that if you don’t keep focus on the money you spend, it’s easy to lose track of whether you’re winning or losing.

Without roulette bankroll management, you’re doomed to keep chasing that next win or break ahead of a bad loss. It’s not a healthy action plan.

Even betting small amounts is unhealthy if you don’t have a bankroll management plan in place. You’ll soon find that you’re out of money and you’ve spent more than you anticipated, even if it was only in tiny increments.

Roulette bankroll management is important because it keeps games running for longer, ensures that you have control over your cash, and removes any stress you might feel about keeping up those streaks.

However, enough discussion about why bankroll management is so important – let’s actually take a look at how you can start managing your money better in practice.

Tips for effective bankroll management

Managing your roulette bankroll isn’t always as easy as watching your cash. Here are a few ways that you can start to build healthier habits and potentially extend your playing time.

Define clear betting limits

Before you start a game of roulette, make sure that you have the money available to bet. Don’t feel compelled to scratch the itch – if you can’t afford to play, don’t.

This is sometimes easier said than done. However, playing blindly without checking your finances first is a recipe for disaster.

TonyBet offers responsible gambling tools you can use to curtail your activity. For example, we can prevent you from depositing and/or spending money over a certain amount on games.

When setting betting limits for roulette, focus on what you can bet, not what you should or feel you have to bet. A good way to measure this is to consider how much you’re comfortable or willing to lose.

Are you comfortable with potentially losing £5 on roulette with no guarantee of a win? Think carefully. If the answer is yes, then either set yourself a limit or use TonyBet’s tools to help.

Also, set yourself an upper limit to walk away at if you happen to win.

Build a staking plan

Once you have a defined roulette bankroll, you’ll want to set a staking plan. This plan will determine how much you can bet during every round of roulette (i.e., each spin of the wheel).

Some players might choose to set a definite percentage for each round, for example. You might want to set 10% of your bankroll per session – that way, you’re fixing what you can spend early on, and you’re saving money for the next time you log in.

Sticking to staking plans takes discipline, but it’s a great way to ensure that you can keep playing more sessions further down the line, rather than risk losing your entire bankroll in a single round. Again, the TonyBet team can help you manage your money!

Keep a close eye on totals

It is always wise to monitor your roulette bankroll over time. For example, keep track of your wins vs. your losses. How long has a percentage of your bankroll lasted you in terms of real-time betting? If it has lasted you a good hour, for example, then it’s likely a healthy amount that can sustain you over future sessions.

Consider changing your staking plan if you burn through your bankroll too quickly. Start conservative, and be willing to loosen up if you’re comfortable doing so. Exercise discipline – and, yet again, call on TonyBet for help if you need it!

Remember, roulette bankroll management is by no means a one-size-fits-all affair. Your gambling habits might vary compared to other people’s. Get to know your gaming habits and be kind to yourself, but at the same time, try to exercise discipline. You’ll thank yourself later.

Strategies for increasing your bankroll

Yes, it’s entirely possible to increase your roulette bankroll through careful management. One of the best strategies we can recommend is to learn when to walk away from the table.

For example, say you are on a winning streak. Set a clear winning goal before the next round or spin begins. If you reach that goal, walk away – don’t chase the next win.

It might be tempting to keep going, but removing yourself from the game will secure your winnings for another round or two.

Conversely, it’s healthy to set betting limits for losses. That way, you have upper and lower limits at which you can walk away if necessary. Set the maximum amount you can comfortably afford to lose, and keep track of it.

Many roulette games now have built-in loss trackers that tell you how much you’ve spent during any given session. If you exceed that amount, it’s time to quit.

Some roulette players suggest that placing certain bets is worth the risk based on the odds in play. For example, some might tell you that betting on four corners is low-risk and likely to boost your bankroll over a certain period or number of bets.

However, roulette is a game of complete chance. Regardless of the odds, and your gut instinct, never assume that any kind of bet will turn your luck around or boost your bankroll over the course of a session.

Following this line of thinking is a high-risk manoeuvre – and it’s certainly not one we recommend. Instead, we suggest that you focus on sticking within your means, and walking away when you hit bet limits. This should give you an amount to put straight into your next session.

Do also think carefully about any money you’d like to walk away with. Set limits, for example, for any money that you might want to withdraw from your roulette games.

Playing roulette sensibly

There is a lot of advice out there that can get quite confusing and even seem quite tempting. However, ultimately, there’s never a guaranteed way for you to boost your roulette bankroll – it’s healthier to simply set limits and build better habits along the way.

TonyBet is on hand to help you keep track of your casino bankroll and any money you choose to spend on roulette. Contact our team if you have a specific question, need help with signs of addiction, or simply want to set limits.

We have a range of roulette games and tables available for you to explore – however, only explore them if you can do so by managing your bankroll healthily. Never chase wins or losses – just focus on the game that’s unfolding in the here and now.

Try roulette at TonyBet today!