Let’s face it – learning poker can seem like a bit of an uphill battle! That is, at least, if you’re completely new to the game. Poker is all about learning the best hand combinations and trying to outfox your fellow players. However, there are also a few technical terms that you must keep in mind.

In this guide, I’ll take you through the most important terms you need to know before you start playing. By the time you’ve read this, you’ll be ready to try some of Tonybet’s best tables – and maybe even a live game or two!

You can always refer back to this guide if you need to top up on your knowledge. Let’s get started!

Poker hands

To win a game of poker, you need to hold a better hand than your opponents. Your hand is the set of cards you are given at the start of the game, and that you add to from community cards as play progresses.

It’s important to remember the different poker hands you can make and how they’re ranked. That way, you always know if you have a hand that’s going to fare well in the rounds to come.

There are 11 different ranked hands you can make. Here’s a quick rundown of the top hands and how they rank, from most valuable to least:

Royal flush10, jack, queen, king and ace in the same suit
Straight flushFive consecutive cards in one suit
Four of a kindFour cards of the same value, but different suits
Full houseThree cards of the same value, and another two of the same value
FlushFive cards that all come from the same suit
StraightA run of five consecutive cards in any suit
Three of a kindThree cards of the same value, and two of different values
Two pairTwo pairs of cards of the same value, and one additional card
PairOne pair of cards of the same value
High cardAny combination of five cards that don’t interact or fall under any of the above categories


If you sit on the left or one seat past left of the dealer, you have to place blind bets at the start of a round of poker. There are two blind bets – the small and big blinds – and you place these to help the game keep momentum.

The big blind is essentially the first round bet that you place without seeing the cards for the first time. Blinds also encourage betting around the table, meaning that there are likely to be fewer people folding.

Here’s how the blinds appear on a table:



After completing the first round of bets, the dealer turns over three community cards in the middle of the table. This is known as the flop.

Players can now use the flop from round two onwards to help add to their hands. For example, you might not have enough diamond cards to make a flush in your initial hand, but the flop might give you the cards you need for that ranking.


After the second round of betting, the dealer adds a fourth community card. This is known as the turn, and although one card might not seem like much to change up a game, it can do a lot to make up a hand!


The river is the last of the community cards added to the row in the middle of the table. By the time the river comes out, most players should have a good idea of whether or not they’ve got a good enough hand to get them through to the showdown.

Here’s how the community cards look after the river is drawn:



A pair is a low-ranked card in the hierarchy of poker hands. It refers to two cards you draw in your hand that are of the exact same value.

For example, if you draw a four of diamonds and a four of spades, that’s a pair. A higher-ranked hand is the two pair, which – as the name suggests – means that you have another matching duo. So, you could have a queen of spades and a queen of clubs to match.


Straights are poker hands that are much more powerful than pairs, and they’re frequently rarer. You get a straight when you have a run of cards in consecutive order.

For example, regardless of suit, you could draw a five, six, seven, eight and nine. Or, you could draw an eight, nine, 10, jack and queen.

If you do get a consecutive run all in the same suit, it’s a straight flush – the second most powerful hand in the game!

Here’s another example:



Flushes are a little stronger than straights. To get a flush, you must have five cards from the same suit.

So, you could draw a two, a six, a nine, an ace and a king of clubs, and you’d have a flush. It’s the fifth-highest-ranking hand in poker, making it a mid-table pick.

Here’s another example:


Royal flush

The fabled royal flush is the most powerful hand in poker. It’s specifically a complete run of 10, jack, queen, king and ace in the same suit!


As you can imagine, this highly specific hand is extremely rare – but if you’re lucky enough to draw it, you cannot be beaten (unless there’s a tie or kicker). That’s why you need to keep your poker face sharp and not give the game away!


At the showdown between the last two players at the table, if you both have the same hand ranking, the hand with the highest card in the player’s respective ranking wins the game.

For example, if you both have flushes, and your opponent’s highest card in the run is a 10 – but you have a jack – you win. The highest card is the kicker!


A short-handed game of poker has only a few players. Specifically, the term refers to tables where there are six players or fewer in the game at any one time. There are also some short-handed game styles.


You don’t want to be called a fish anytime soon! Fish is actually something of a derogatory word in poker circles – it refers to weak players.

So, not only do you want to avoid being the fish, but you should also avoid calling other players fish!


Straddle bets take place before the big blind and even before the first deal. Players who are on the left of the big blind bettor can make this bold bet and have the ability to re-raise on the next round. It’s all about raising the stakes.


However, not all poker games and tables offer straddling as an option. It tends to be a casual or cash-based poker staple, meaning that you won’t always see it pop up online.

Now that you know some of poker’s most important terms and hands, it’s time to start exploring the game for real! However, take your time and play responsibly. Try watching a few rounds of live poker first before setting up at your first table.

As always, Tonybet is on hand to help you if you need advice regarding certain games or how to manage your bankroll. In the meantime, focus on perfecting that poker face and play live table games with Tonybet!